


oh. my. gosh.
i am writing this from my dorm at brigham young university.
can i just say that these past 50 hours have been the best/worst/craziest/most depressing/exciting hours of my LIFE?!
i wish i could compile all of the thoughts in my head onto this little web page... but i cant. there are too many. I am living in Helaman Halls, which means i share a bathroom with maybe 40 girls. and showers. its super fun haha.
this is my beautiful roommate, katherine. we are getting along juuuuust fine. everyone keeps asking if we knew each other before this and when we answer "no" they are in shock. apparently we appear to be life long friends. haha. we agree on almost everything... we say the same things at the same times.. its great. the only thing i dont approve of is her fascination with cats. but whatever. i can look past that.
the only negative things are
1. i had to say bye to my mom and my dad
2. not as many cute boys as we expected
3. i really miss my queen bed.. uhg...
4. i cant get organized in this stupid room
aaaand yeah.. thats pretty much it.


here it is.

i know for a fact the world is coming to an end. so much crap is going on right now, whether it be family drama, economic problems.. etc. and now look at this. I, ashley noel barnes, made a quilt. WOO! like a for real legit-keep-me-warm-quilt. not a dinky little rag quilt.

this is me wrapped up in it. i made it big enough for two for those cold provo nights.. if you know what i mean. basically this thing is my pride and joy right now. after months (literally) of being pestered and harassed by my young women leaders, and LOADS of help from them, and blood and sweat and tears... i am done. its here. praise the lord.



summer madness

Well hello fellow bloggers. i am extremely slow at this.. haha i feel like my life is too uneventful to post things on my blog. BUT, to contradict what i just said, here is what i have been up to.

westra family reunion was a hit! this picture is of me and my mom (who threatened me with my life if i didnt crop her out of this picture) swinging my cousin charity in the air. she is ADORABLE. i love her so much. i am kind of obsessed with her.
We had fun walking around temple square and watching the joseph smith video and seeing the christ statue..

to the left is me and baby afton.. the love of my life right now. she is so stinking cute. everyone kept stealing her from me at the reunion because i "live in vegas and get to see her all the time" which is definitely not the case. maybe once a month. i dont know. my aunt jenn brought her to my work the other day so i could watch her while she went to the vet (lol random..) and afton was the star of the cleaners. everyone was fighting over holding her and talking about how cute she is. i know im biased because she is my blood.. but she is adorable.
Above is me and my favorite cousin of all time, angela. we have been close for as long as i can remember. i was a little disappointed that we didnt take a traditional coldstone trip this time.. but i guess i dont need it lol. gotta watch out for that freshman 15.
I'd have to say that this very picture of my cute family is my favorite of all time. a couple of reasons...
1. look at mitchell's v-neck. oh yeah.
2. me and my mom look like twins.. numerous people have already said that about this picture. it makes me smile :)
3. i love how green the background is. you forget that there is grass and trees in other parts of the world after living in vegas for so long!
yeah. its a favorite picture of all time.
we had over TWO THOUSAND pictures all combined from the whole reunion trip. we put them all in a file and took what we wanted. it was so insanely hard to choose.. i put them all in my iphoto and then spent a good hour or two sorting and deleting them. talk about boring.
i wish i could put every picture from the trip on my blog haha. it would take up like 50 pages. but they are all SO cute! i have the cutest family. one of the ladies at my work who facebook stalks me commented on how not a single person in the family was ugly! hahaha. i could crack a mean joke right now, but i wont.

speaking of ugly haha, this is what i like to call "avon de gorgeous"
i was helping my friend alex westmorelands friend out at a salon down in mandalay bay... he is trying to be promoted from an assistant to a hair stylist and needed to prove himself by doing things on people, like up-do's, cuts and whatnot. so i went on down and received this lovely up-do haha. everyone else loved it but to me it just looks like a big mess of hair. i guess i dont have the hair stylist eye? i dont know.
well. 17 days till the big move.. yikes. it is creeping up on me! i started packing two days ago so now it feels so real. BYU, here i come!
