

10 freezer to crockpot meals

adulthood has changed me -- i'm not the fun and spontaneous person i used to be! i was blessed with 5 days off (yes, 5 days) between winter semester and spring semester, and i spent every minute doing boring housewifey stuff. you know, like laundry, cleaning the apartment, rearranging the living room, and making freezer meals. 

but let me tell you, making those freezer meals was one of the best decisions of my life! totally worth the social sacrifices. you can do it too! it's so easy. the hardest part was spending hours on pinterest researching and looking for the best recipes. i tried to pick ones that had some similar ingredients. after that, all you need is a buttload of food, money, and ziploc gallon bags! 

i picked 8 recipes to make 10 meals (i doubled two of them). i went to costco and harmons and bought everything i didn't already have. i spent a total of about $110, with some of the purchases being spices, oils, or bottles of things that i can keep using for a long time. 
i let the bags of chicken thaw out, and then i laid out all the other ingredients. i was ready to dominate! i labeled ten 1-gallon ziploc bags with the recipe name, cooking time, and any other instructions. i turned on les mis. then i chopped away and packed a bag at a time! 
things got pretty crowded. 
it was really time consuming, but really simple. it took me almost 3 hours, but to be honest i was taking my sweet precious time. i wasn't in a hurry at all. also, i was feeling a little OCD so i washed my hands like 492 times. and i probably worked longer than necessary because i didn't chop all my veggies at once, i went recipe by recipe. and i had to stop chopping peppers to sob while anne hathaway was singing. bless her heart. 
anyway, the few pieces of advice i have for this project are to add the liquids LAST, and make sure each bag thaws for a good amount of time before you dump the contents in the crockpot. duh and duh -- but for noobs like me, those things didn't come easy :) also, get as much air out of the bag as possible, and once everything is in the bag, squish it around with your hands so the contents are distributed evenly. 
 now for the moment you've all been waiting for... pictures and recipes! 
cilantro lime chicken
in the bag: 
3 chicken breasts
juice from 2 limes
1 bunch cilantro, chopped
1 (16 oz) bag corn
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 red onion, chopped
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 tsp cumin
salt and pepper
to cook: 
cook on low for 8 hours
shred meat and serve on tortillas
chicken broccoli alfredo
in the bag: 
3 chicken breasts, cut into strips
1 (16 oz) bag frozen broccoli 
1 large green pepper, chopped
2 (16 oz) jars alfredo sauce
to cook: 
cook on low for 4-6 hours
serve over noodles
hawaiian chicken
in the bag: 
2-3 chicken breasts
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup vinegar
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 tbs soy sauce
1/2 can of large pineapple chunks
1/2 cup of pineapple juice (from can) 
to cook: 
cook on low for 6-7 hours
shred and serve over rice
teriyaki chicken
in the bag: 
3 chicken breasts, cut into bite size pieces 
1 cup teriyaki sauce 
1 cup water
2/3 cup brown sugar
3 cloves garlic, minced
a few sprinkles of ginger
to cook: 
cook on low for 4-6 hours
creamy italian chicken
in the bag: 
4 chicken breasts
1 (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
1 can cream of chicken
1 dry packet of italian seasoning
to cook: 
cook on low for 4-6 hours
honey rosemary chicken
in the bag: 
4 chicken breasts, cut into bite size pieces
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
1/3 cup honey 
1/3 cup olive oil 
3 tbs rosemary, chopped
1 tsp salt
to cook: 
cook on low for 6-8 hours
bbq chicken
in the bag: 
4-6 chicken breasts, cut into bite size pieces
1 (12 oz) bottle of bbq sauce 
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup vinegar 
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp garlic powder
to cook: 
cook on low for 4-6 hours
chicken fajitas
in the bag: 
2 green peppers 
1 onion
3 chicken breasts
1/2 cup chicken broth
taco seasoning packet
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp paprika
1 tsp salt
to cook: 
cook on low for 5-6 hours
shred meat and serve on tortillas

that's all! i doubled the teriyaki chicken and the cilantro lime chicken because i thought they sounded the best, but i'm excited to try all of them! can you tell i'm not a huge red meat person :) ? and i am not one to plagiarize, so let me give you the sources for these recipes. i got the chicken broccoli alfredo and cilanto lime chicken from six sisters stuff. i got the honey rosemary chicken from kojo designs, hawaiian chicken and chicken fajitas from this post, and then i got teriyaki chicken, sweet bbq chicken, creamy italian chicken from over the big moon. she has great tips and ideas. how did people know recipes before pinterest? pinterest and these ladies just saved me from 10 nights of dinner-prepping stress.

so there you have it. $110, 1 hour of grocery shopping, 2.5 hours of prepping, and i was able to stuff my freezer with 10 meals - ready to be eaten!  
good luck to you all, and let me know how it goes!
p.s. if you have any great crockpot recipes, i would love to hear them.
p.p.s. my blog is now on bloglovin' so make sure to follow! 


  1. ASH!! i am so impressed! i think i might have to try this!

  2. ok you are amazing! Totes gonna make a few!!!!

  3. TOTALLY doing this over the weekend. You inspire me. :) Big props to you girl. Every recipe sounds amazing!

  4. HONESTLY, this is amazing. as a future mother, i might spend a weekend, or several (because I have a deep freezer outside now that may or may not fit 50 of those meals haha) preparing these things before baby gets here! thank you for sharing!! :D

  5. Great idea! But you shouldn't really thaw frozen raw chicken and re-freeze without cooking it first!

    1. Hi Millie, thank you for your compliment and advice! I really appreciate both. I did a little research and found an answer to the thawing/re-freezing thing on . They say it's safe, but it will taste different because of moisture loss. Thanks for the heads up!

    2. i buy the chicken and cut and make up my bags that day and then freeze it

    3. Most chicken is frozen when it reaches the grocer. The grocer thaws and sells, we take home and put in the freezer. So it is the same.


      Here is a link to answer your question about weather or not your should thaw and re-freeze chicken. Note that it says that it is ok to do thaw and re-freeze chicken as long as you originally defrosted the chicken in the refrigerator not in cold water, the counter or the microwave.

  6. I would LOVE to hear how you liked all the recipes!!!

    1. They were all really good! I absolutely LOVED the creamy italian chicken, chicken fajitas, teriyaki chicken, and the hawaiian chicken. The others were good, but not amazing :)

    2. These have been Fantastic. I found this Just in time. My BIL was in an accident and these have been a blessing to me. Only 1/5 kids have complained about 1 recipe. we've used about 4 of them. THANK YOU SOO MUCH. they were SO easy to make.

    3. Thank you so much for your story!!! I'm glad I could help, and I hope he is okay.

    4. I can't wait to try these. Thank you for taking the time to put this together.

    5. Love that you only did chicken recipes! I always pin slow cooker freezer meals but I don't eat red meat and inevitably you get lots of beef and pork recipes. I also did a post on freezer meals a while back. I'll have to try some of these. Thanks!

  7. Totally trying this!!! I really don't know how i functioned before Pinterest!! =)

    1. Haha, you totally should! These meals gave me so much more free time!

    2. I love this idea. I wish i could of did this a few years back when i had all 7 kids at home now i onky have 2 at home but i an definitely trying this so worth it!!!

  8. These look great, am going to try several. But you ask how we got recipes before Pinterest, welll your local library will have a great selection of cookbooks, some will be crockpot specific most likely! Give them a visit...

  9. Have you tried the recipes yet? What did you think?

    1. They were all really good! My favorite three were creamy italian chicken (#1 for sure!), chicken fajitas, and the hawaiian chicken. The only one I wont make again is the alfredo... the sauce didn't freeze/thaw well, it lost the thickness and was a little watery. But I was really happy with the rest!

    2. Ashley you can solve that problem... leave the canned alfredo sauce OUT of the bag. Just leave it in the cupboard. Put the chicken and broccoli in the crock pot on low for about an hour THEN add the sauce! it works i promise! try it!

    3. I would agree about leaving sauce out... but instead I added cream cheese after it was done to thicken it up took 2 - 8oz boxes but what's a little cream cheese and fresh Parmesan.

  10. When you cooked the meals, did you thaw them first or put them in frozen?
    I want to try these but the cooking times wouldn't work for me. I'm gone for work 8 hours or so. My thoughts were I could put them on frozen so that it would take an additional hour or two?

    1. Hi Aimee, that sounds like it would work to me! I never tried that. One time, I put one of these meals in the crockpot for 10.5 hours on low and it was all charcoal when I came home haha! So maybe you could do a test run on a Saturday or something and check on it every few hours to see the limit! Let me know how it works! Good luck :)

    2. Solution= go out and buy an all clad crock pot. It has timers that you can set to WHEN TO TURN IT ON AND WHEN IT GOES OFF. So say you leave for work at 7 and you dont want your pot to start cooking it til 9. set the start timer for 9 then count 8 hours from there and it will turn off and keep it on warm til you get home. best invention ever.

      ORRR if you dont have the money to do that i heard that there is a timer that you can get for your lights if you plug that into where your crock pot is that should work. ( dont quote me though i've never tried that lol)

    3. There are others besides All Clad that have timers and will keep it warm till you get home!

    4. Nichole, I use the light timer frequently and it works perfectly! Cheaper than a new crock pot : )

    5. I wouldn't recommend letting your food sit in a crock pot that isn't on warm, low, or high for longer than an hour. Thawing in the refrigerator overnight is a much safer way to thaw food than sitting for 2 hours in a crock pot. The meat will begin to spoil if not kept at high enough temperatures. yuck. I'd look for recipes that call for a 10 hour cook time on low. These are probably beef recipes, soups, or recipes that have a lot of extra liquid to keep them from burning.

    6. So all of these recipes are thawed out before you put them in the crockpot?

  11. I'm curious about that too! Thaw first or put in frozen?

    Also - for the italian chicken, I've made that before but never frozen it first. Do you still combine the cream cheese and soup together on the stove before adding it to the bag?

    1. I didn't combine them on the stove, I just kind of mushed them together in the bag haha. That recipe was my FAVORITE one! So delicious! I was a little skeptical about freezing it with the cheese and cream, but it worked great.

  12. this is honestly the best sounding crock pot recipes i've seen! i'm definitely trying these!

  13. what are the servings sizes for each doing weight watchers so im trying to figure out the points for each one?

    1. hi heather, I usually ate about 1/4 of the meal... i'm not sure about an exact standard measurement. hope that helps! let us know the points when you figure them out! :)

    2. Just trying to figure out how many servings these make, we are a family of 5 (three teenagers), do you think I need to double?

    3. Katrina, I think doubling would be a safe idea for your family! I made these just for my husband and myself, and we typically had about 2 more servings left. If anything, you can save the leftovers :) They still tasted great the next day.

  14. this looks amazing and I am going to the store tonight and doing all of these i'm also adding one for ham and bean soup and one of green beans potatoes and ham because those are some family favs! I had a question about the creamy Italian chicken what do you serve with it???

    1. That's great, I am excited for you! I didn't know what to serve it with either haha! I put it on rice and it was amazing. I think it would be good over noodles as well? Good luck!

    2. thank you! I think ill try pasta noodles

    3. Sarah, are your ham and bean soup and green bean, potatoes, and ham recipes also freezer to crock pot meals? I'd LOVE to have other options besides chicken recipes. Can you share?

  15. Great recipes! I am getting a crock pot and want to try out some freezer meals. Thanks for posting these.

    1. I definitely enjoying every little bit of it. It is a great website and nice share. I want to thank you. Good job! You guys do a great blog, and have some great contents. Keep up the good work..!

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  16. OK maybe I'm just not looking but what is the packet of Italian seasoning? They sell this? Is it to make Italian dressing (all you would need to add was oil)? I'm just not getting this :/

    1. Haha you're fine, I had no idea what it was until I saw this recipe! It's a little packet found by the bottled dressings. It's usually used to make italian dressing, but the powder is good for so many other purposes!


  17. italian seasoning is by the ranch seasoning packets

    1. This entire post absolutely ROCKS! Thank you for all the hard work you put into it. It really shows. best friend captions & Captions

  18. DID you put the meal in the crockpot frozen?? Or did you thaw it?? How did you get it out of the bag??

    1. I let the bags thaw for a little before putting them in the crockpot. Sometimes I transferred the bag from the freezer to the fridge the night before, but other times I only thawed it for an hour... So I don't think it makes a huge difference haha!

  19. Is there anyway you could substitute italian dressing? I don't have any dry packets :(

    1. I am not sure! Maybe try replacing the packet with some spices and things? I think salt, garlic, onion powder, and pepper would taste good :)


  20. Is it possible to cook this in the oven instead of the crock pot? I use my crock pot regularly but sometimes forget to put meals in it before I leave and then come home realizing I have no dinner made!

    I assume most, if not all, crock pot recipes can be converted to cook in the oven but I'm not sure how?

  21. Making and freezing all these dinners was easy and I'm so glad I did it! Hubby and I just tried the Hawaiian chicken, and we absolutely loved it! Can't wait to try all the rest of the recipes. Thanks for putting this together. :)

  22. Absolutely LOVE the 'CRAP' stationary!!!!!! Brilliant!!!!

  23. Hi Ashley. I haven't had time to read all the comments but or find where it tells the serving size for each of these. Its just me, my husband and a 2 year old. Would you suggest cutting down the quantity of chicken being used? And if I did, could I still keep the rest of the recipe measurements the same do you think?

  24. I love frozen crock pot cooking :) a few things I have started doing: I never thaw before putting things in the crock pot. They cook just fine. I cooked a roast that was frozen solid the other day in my crockpot. Huge, 3 lb roast on high for 7 hours and it was cooked all the way through.

    For the crock pot meals, I put them in the crock pot liner bags, tie them closed with piece of yarn and then seal them up in a gallon sized zip lock. Makes transfer from freezer to crock very simple and clean up is nada!

    No need to thaw or to try to peel frozen foods out of the gallon sized zip lock :) And I can't wait to try your recipes :)

    1. Genius! I didn't think about putting them in the crock pot liner bags and then in zip lock. I usually double bag anyway, and put the cooking directions in between bags.

  25. I am so excited that one of my fb friends posted a link. These are awesome! Thank you for sharing on your blog. Now I'm going to check out more of your blog.

  26. These all look great! I'm curious about how to thaw the meals though. Do you typically wait until they are completely thawed before you put them into the crockpot?

  27. do i need to add any liquids? like to the cilantro lime chix or do i just place them in the crock pot as is?? wouldn't it burn? thanks for the recipies i just got home from the store and bagged y first frozen crock poy meal! this will help me tremendously due to the fact i have a two year old and just startde nursing school!

  28. This is one of the best freezer meal blogs I have come across! I love how simple it is. Thanks!

  29. this sounds awesome and I'm ready to try this!

  30. 2 questions...what size crockpot do I need? And how long do the meals stay good in the freezer?

  31. Do you need to add water to the honey rosemary chicken? It doesn't say to on your direction, but you wrote it on the ziplock bag.

  32. Do you have a printer friendly version that I may print off?

  33. Does the Hawaiian Chicken use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar? Thanks!

  34. I want to let you know that I am a newbie at cooking so I decided to start crock potting to ease myself into it. I was overwhelmed by all the recipes and the endless amounts of ingredients and prep needed. I love how you broke it all down to simple recipes that even someone like me could follow. I just made 5 meals (to start off with) and it was SOO easy! I just put my first one (Honey Rosemary) in the crock pot today and it turned out AMAZING! Thank you so much for posting this!

  35. These recipes sound good but my concern is that you thawed frozen chicken, added it to other ingredients then refrozen before cooking in the crockpot. I've always heard than anytime you thaw chicken it should be cooked to prevent bacteria that could cause major problems. Have you had any issues with preparing the food with thawed chicken?

  36. Hi there! I want to put in my 2 cents in case folks are new to crockpot freezer cooking - I've found that all of these recipes (yep, I promise, I've actually made most of them!) are sooo good, but get way overcooked in the crockpot for so long (think super dry chicken) BUT they still save tons of time by having them ready to go, and only having to simmer them in a deep skillet instead. The flavor is amazing, but for myself, I just found that a 20-30 min. simmer does the trick! :O)

  37. Preparing for a baby to come in April! These are going to be my first week life saver :) Thanks a bunch!

  38. I didn't read through all of the comments so I apologize if you've already answered this but do you have to thaw the meals prior to putting them in the crock pot?

  39. for the sweet bbq chicken what kind of vinegar do you use?

  40. Thanks for the extra meal ideas! I've tried most of the meals from Six Sisters Stuff (Cilantro Lime Chx being one of my favs!), but haven't seen some of the others.

  41. Some advice for those who haven't done freezer meals before: Sometimes the bags get small holes in the bottom from being bumped around in the freezer or whatever, so always thaw the freezer bag in a casserole dish or something so you don't get raw chicken juices all over your fridge! (maybe I bought cheap bags once, too)

  42. These are awesome! I have been looking for some new crockpot recipes to convert into my pressure cooker lifestyle! FYI - I never knew pressure cookers were so easy, (but I was totally scared with my first try at it) and these will take less than an hour start to finish. Thank you! I'll be back!

  43. Some people cook the chicken and put it in the bags and then freeze. Do you think this will affect the taste/texture in the end.

  44. Do you de-frost before you put in the crockpot?

  45. Some of you are suggesting putting the meals in the crock pot frozen. I did that with corn on the cob, and my crock liner cracked. The manufacturer of Crock Pot brand told me never to put frozen food in the crock, never to cook anything without at least one cup of liquid, and to never add frozen food to hot liquid in the pot. Hopefully this information will save others from destroying their crock pot. To the credit of Crock Pot brand, they replaced my pot free of charge even though it was out of warranty. I was so impressed that I bought a second pot from them right on the phone.

    1. I realize this is years old. I always, always put frozen meals, roasts, whatever in my crock pot. I have never had an issue. Now, I know other people can on their glass cook tops with no problem. I broke mine canning pears so there you go.

  46. Hello. Thankyou for great crock pot recipes. So inspiring! I do, however have one question. It would appear that in all of your recipes you defrosted chicken, distributed it between bags and froze it again? I am of the understanding that you can only freeze again if the chicken is cooked? Please correct me if I am wrong.

  47. I don't know if I missed it, but how many servings for each?

  48. Hi! I cant wait to try these, I have a question you put the chicken in the bags raw with peppers and such? Does that contaminate anything? I'm new to this so i just want to make sure i do it right! Thank you!

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Would you double all the ingredients if doubling the chicken breasts? I'm getting together a group of ladies to assemble theses for a friend who's going through cancer treatments!

  51. how many are you cooking for? some of these seem like a lot of chicken?? Could you cut the recipes in half and still be ok??

  52. do u defrost overnight and throw in crockpot the next morning?

  53. Just had the creamy italian chicken...AMAZING!!!

  54. Thankz for all your time sharing these! Love the chicken fajitas. Love home-keeping, too. I'd like to share this with you. Hope you enjoy; there are many fascinating ones in the archives:

  55. Hi I think the rosemary honey & the BBQ Ines sound great. I found this blog and made up several of her recipes this week. She focuses on healthy (although I didn't look at ####s) she has several posts and has also published a cookbook:

    You might also do a search for the "365 crock pot recipes" blog. I don't remember the exact title of the blog but I'm sure many if their recipes can be adapted.

  56. I think you are a lover of chicken, by the way I found the BBQ chicken best from the all. Love cooking it at home. One question of mine is that can we use creamy chicken with this.

  57. Would these recipes also work using pork or beef, for some variety?

  58. I just made the Cilantro Lime Chicken and it is AWESOME!! I recently started making crock pot meals, and this is the 6th I've made, and it is by far my favorite. I skipped the tortilla and mixed in salsa and sour cream, and my aunt did salsa and parmesan. You can also make this into a taco salad by adding lettuce and tortilla chips, or you can add in ranch instead of the other condiments. There is so much you can do with it. Thank you SO MUCH! This one is definitely a keeper!

  59. My mom and dad are in their 90s. Dad has always loved moms cooking but. It's very difficult for her. I am going to the store now to do these. This should help both men and her.

    Hugs, cindy

  60. I have been looking for recipies to use 40 lbs of chicken breasts I am ordering from Zaycon. This is perfect! Thanks! Is there a printer friendly version or shopping list?

  61. I am looking forward to trying these. I have a question on the cream of chicken soup - do you put it in straight from the can or do you mix with milk per the instructions on the can?

  62. For the creamy Italian chicken, how big is the dry packet of Italian Seasoning? The smallest I am able to find is 24 oz and that seems like a lot.

  63. My 14 year old grandson asks me to make the Creamy Italian all the time ! Thank you !

  64. Thanks on your marvelous posting! I truly enjoyed
    reading it, you will be a great author.Good blog post. I

    absolutely appreciate this site. Keep writing!

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  65. awesome! so excited to try these! how did the cilantro lime chicken turn out??

  66. This is really great news. Thank you for sharing it with us!
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  67. I just made all of these today except for the alfredo!! These were easy to assemble and I was able to get everything done including clean up I'm 2 hours. I spent roughly $70.

  68. I just made all of these today except for the alfredo!! These were easy to assemble and I was able to get everything done including clean up I'm 2 hours. I spent roughly $70.

  69. I made some similar dinners from "wildtree" - these look just as tasty and easier to make.
    they had said not to defrost the chicken and refreeze. I like the idea of tossing frozen into crock pot so it takes longer to cook, even on low my meals always cook too fast. Mine has a timer to turn from hi/low to warm but it doesn't go all the way off.

  70. Thank you thank you. I am in the midst of a kitchen remodel, and now that I have a power outlet, water, and a countertop, I can use a crockpot. (Don't laugh, it took nearly 2 months to get to that point). Bought an America's Test Kitchen easy slow cooker magazine and tried two already. I really like your concept of a "dump dinner", which would allow multi-dinner prep quickly. I can't wait to try a few of yours.

  71. I'm worried about freezing uncooked vegetables & herbs. Does this really work, or do they get freezer burn?

    1. I think it would depend on how long they are in the freezer. In January, I started making various crockpot meals, and haven't had an issue with freezer burn. None have gone longer than 2 weeks so far in the freezer. However, it doesn't really matter, b/c they won't be crisp due to cooking in the crockpot all day.

  72. I just came here to try to figure out why my honey rosemary chicken was so dried out and not delicious...I was really bummed, then I saw the note on your ziploc- and realized I forgot to add water =( Will have to try again.

  73. So glad I found these recipes. Thanks for sharing.

  74. Thank you for sharing all these recipes. What is the reason for not cooking on high?

  75. I love this! Making the rosemary chicken tonight!

  76. Sorry if I've missed it but is there a master shopping list? These all sound great by the way! Thanks for sharing

  77. Weird question - How long does it take for these meals to actually freeze in the freezer? I made them last night, and the meals with alot of liquid aren't 100% frozen yet. Just want to be sure I don't end up wasting food that won't freeze :(

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  78. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  79. I have been trying to put these recipes on my Pinterest but I haven't found anyway to do it. Can you Please help me.

  80. I love all of these recipes!!! Thank you for the tips such as "liquids last". I'm a noob as well, and wouldn't have thought of that.

  81. Do you have nutrition values for these?

  82. I love how you prep food. It is just one of the things I have learned from you. This is going on next week’s menu. I prefer the reds and orange for stuffing, and for some reason I like the horizontal cut. I think it is because of the proportion of filling to pepper. Anyway, thanks again. I really appreciate you.

  83. This looks soooo good!! I’m not a fan of the flavor/texture of soy milk. Did you by chance test with dairy milk, or have thoughts on subbing it? Thanks!!UpdateLand

  84. I have spent a lot of the time in different blogs but this is really a unique blog for me.

  85. WOW! I'm excited to try these! I'll do a test run to make sure we like them, but these sounds great since our baby girl is coming in February and cooking seems to be difficult when you are new to keeping a tiny human alive! :) If you have an emailing list I would like to be added to it! :)

  86. This reads great for buying a "value pack" of chicken breasts when they go on sale. Much better than just freezing them 2-3 per package! This way, it's all ready to cook!

  87. I tried the Alfredo one and it turned out terrible. Like soup. Very watery. Not like Alfredo at all. Could I have done something wrong?


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