1. i am in total HARRY POTTER mood these days...

speaking of my adolescence, it's disappearing. i'm getting old. friends are getting married and people i went to high school with are prego... it's freaking me out-
4. another thing i adore (although they do not go hand-in-hand) is BYU.
i loved hanging out with them during thanksgiving break. tanner is still the funniest person i know, and mitchell is a hairy stud. my parents are two of the greatest people i know! my mom is so cute and john is smart and charismatic. i am so blessed. 17 days 'til i can be with them again!
2. i can't believe one of my best friends in the whole world KAMI WILCOX is freaking married!
her reception was beautiful. she looked so happy! adam is awesome and i know he will be so good to her. i wish leah and alex could have been there!
it's so weird to think that she is a married woman now! and then i remember that that will be me in a few months :) WOOO! which brings me to...
3. i am in love with SCOTTY MARX! he is the man of my dreams.
and its safe to say that i am obsessed with this picture. or maybe just his face in this picture. i find myself staring at it allllllllllll the time haha
i absolutely adore him.
lately i have just been feeling so blessed that i am able to attend this beautiful university. i love the sports, i love the campus, i love (almost) all of my teachers, i love my friends here! i love the people and the food and the music and the rain...
pretty much everything with the exception of snow. and the fact that my mother and fiancee are not here. stupid.
i can't believe i only have 7 more school days left of the semester. whaaaaaaaaaat!?

then i will be back to my sweet home in vegas... which reminds me
5. i am SO grateful for my FAMILY! i love love love them!

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