

cheesing it up.

i've had a strange past few days. 
school ended, which was awesome. 
and i had all of this excitement and build up toward summer like i do every year. 

i even found myself singing this great summer song: (click here) 

and then all of my friends had facebook statuses like "home at last!" or "finally in my own room!" or "i love las vegas!" and all that type of stuff. 

and it hit me... im not going home this summer! i'm married now... so pootah is my home.
what. the. heck. 

i obviously knew i wasn't going home. but i didn't really understand that i wasn't going home until just recently. 

and it's a pretty heartbreaking concept to accept when you think of memories like these: 

 hanging with my girls. 
stratosphere rides.
 beach trips. 

 laying out with mom. 
 kissing my babies. 
 laughing at tanner. 
 swimming in my backyard. 

suddenly i didn't know what to be excited about. 
what is summer if you're just working full time and you don't even get to see your parents or friends or brothers or laugh at the fresh crop of weirdos in the singles ward or spend an entire saturday laying out by the pool with a cafe rio salad or have nightly BBQs from john and the grill? 

it's kind of depressing. 

but, as i was watching glee last week, i heard a quote that totally applied to the situation.
rachel was like "my home isn't some place, it's someone
and i was like "omg my home isn't vegas, it's SCOTTY!" 

so boom. i will be home for summer. 
cue "i'll be home for christmas" tune with modified lyrics. 

i'll be home for summer,
you can count on me. 
i'll be home for summer,
if only with my scottyyyyy

and now i'm excited.
our first married summer!
i love him. 


  1. thanks for the comment ashley! looks like I will be keeping it for now :) ps; your layout is really cute. I really love it.. Also, you start working with me soon!! Hope you're excited. You will really like it I promise. It's really laid back & much less rushed than SE. :)

  2. So I just stumbled upon your blog, and I just have to say I love the chairs throughout your layout :) So cute!
