

olympics 2012

i don't know of anyone who doesn't enjoy watching the olympics.
how could you not love the fact that countries come together and celebrate talent from all over the world for 17 days straight? earth seems smaller knowing that millions and millions are gathered around their TVs watching the same thing that i am. we have different languages, lifestyles, meals, and attire, but we one thing we all share is the olympics.
personally, i hated the opening ceremony.
stupid as crap.
but that didn't stop me from watching my favorite events!

my two favorites are womens gymnastics and swimming.

gymnastics because i think every single part of the event is just fascinating.  the girls are so strong and so flexible! plus, i love the glitter, make up, glitter, and the leotards. and there's always so much glitter.
i love it. and i was never brave enough to do flips, cartwheels, or anything as a child. even on a trampoline.  so i live vicariously through them.

swimming because...
not sure. i guess it's just a fun event to watch.

although, i will say that there is one downside to the olympic season.
these two weeks make me feel like the laziest, fattest, slowest creature on the planet.
*ashley sits on the couch with a dr. pepper and a box of sweetarts*

cheers to one more week!

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