

giving thanks 2012

we have had so much fun the past few days! 
thanksgiving break was exactly what i needed. i am so thankful for breaks from school... pretty sure i wouldn't survive without them.
tuesday night we drove to vegas to stay with the marx family. 
wednesday was busy busy! 
in the morning, we ran errands with kim.
i headed over to the west side of town to take care of some important business:
picking up red velvet cafe cookies
visiting my former coworkers at lakes cleaners
and a vegas trip isn't complete without a cafe rio lunch with my girls. 
kami is ready to pop any day now.
we are so excited to meet little jack!
scotty and i spent the rest of the day watching cable (someone was having withdrawals), running more errands, chatting and catching up with family, hanging out with chicks... 
and eating a wonderful dinner at outback! thanks ron & kim. 
thursday, we had so much fun getting everything ready for our thanksgiving meal. i watched kim make homemade stuffing, and we cleaned and set up the dining room.  it was great to see scotty's siblings and their families. we stuffed our faces with amazing turkey, ham, stuffing, potatoes, pies, cookies, and other delicious food items. 
then after dinner was over and our things were packed up, we headed off to brianhead, utah. my family and two of my aunts and their families were up there. we played games, ate way too much food, did puzzles, watched movies, snowmobiled, and went sledding. 
 (i freaking love my cousin cienna, but the following picture cracks me up)
all of that was fun, but my favorite part was probably the craft night with my mom and aunts. i love these ladies! we are always laughing together. 
cathi helped us make initials to hang on our front doors, and a christmas sign. we painted, sanded, stained, and decorated! 
here are the finished products:
i love how they turned out! 
another highlight of the weekend was a white elephant gift exchange. 
i know, i know... it's not christmas. 
but it was still a blast!
there were some pretty hilarious gifts: a chippendales puzzle, a box of doll heads, and my personal favorite - an autographed picture of scotty. 
so funny. we had such a wonderful weekend! 
we are so thankful for our families and the time that we get to spend with them. 

1 comment:

  1. When I go to Thanksgiving with my family we usually have a craft for the ladies to do to. So fun to see you.
