

the first year stats

i promise this is my last anniversary-related post. i just thought it would be fun to talk about the entire year we have spent together, rather than just our wedding day. i came up with some statistics of our accomplishments, habits, and milestones from our year of marriage.

in the past 12 months, we...

 lived in 1 apartment
used the iron 2 times
had 3 cars
worked 4 different jobs between the two of us

went to vegas 5 times
humbly received 6 parking tickets (... maybe that was just me)
gained exactly 7 sets of married friends
reached a total of 8 nieces and nephews (#8 is still in the works!)
taught a class full of 9-year-old children in church together
cried for 10 days after we lost our wedding gift/thank you card list
hear the clock chime 11 pm and can't keep our eyes open
 had 12 months of bliss

other great stats:
we left the country 1 time
we eat pizza for dinner at least 1 time a week
we have been to 2 other sealings
our top 2 favorite movies are "rio" & "what happens in vegas"
we have taken 3 pregnancy tests (just making sure)
we have gone through 3 different printers
the longest we've spent apart was 3 whole days
we have been inside 5 temples
we have gone to get frozen yogurt ONLY 5 TIMES!
we have been to 5 different states
we consumed a 25 lb bag of rice


  1. i love the part about the iron and the rice and most of all the pregnancy tests haha. you are the best!

  2. Oh that is funny about the pregnancy tests. Totally happened to us a few times too the first few months of marriage I would be a day late and panic that I was prego.
