

something pink

just a thought.
a few weeks ago, a friend asked me the following question:
if you could redo your wedding, what would you do differently?
i laughed and said, "i would have gone tanning the whole month before!" showed him the following picture, and that was that.
BUT, after much reflection and consideration into my response, i now have a different answer. BUT, before i tell you what that answer is, let me say one thing! i wouldn't change anything about my wedding day. it was perfect for me. BUT, if someone were holding a gun to my head telling me to change one thing, that one thing would be the color of my dress.
a pink wedding dress.
i totally could have rocked it. 
what would you do differently? 


  1. Now that's a good color for a wedding dress :)

  2. I wish you would have also posted the picture of the "black" you and Scotty with that same picture. :)

  3. I'm going to be a total weirdo and comment on everything, love these dresses! Especially the one in the last couple of pics because that's my wedding dress, but I took the ivory version :) Love the pink though!!

  4. I'm going to be a total weirdo and comment on everything, love these dresses! Especially the one in the last couple of pics because that's my wedding dress, but I took the ivory version :) Love the pink though!!
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