

here's why.

can you believe i haven't blogged in exactly 20 days? 
i know. 
i am so disappointed in myself. 

this morning, i reflected on the past 20 days in hopes to find a reason or excuse for this unintentional blogging boycott of mine. i've had perfect wifi connection. nothing is wrong with my computer nor my fingers. and i certainly haven't been slacking on picture taking!  in fact, i probably took over 100 pictures in the friday, saturday, and sunday that we were in vegas. 

then it hit me! our small "vacation" to vegas put us both in a soft-core state of depression. it's taken two weeks to mentally recoup. we had so much fun. about as much fun as you can have in the 53 hours that we were away. it was a big eye opener to us- we have always been open to moving anywhere after graduation. endless possibilities! but now we realize that we both long for that city of lights. 

i spent the whole week preparing for our 3-day adventure: packing for myself and my husband, buying & wrapping presents, stocking up on treats & dr pepper, buying new shoes for the wedding, etc. 
the drive was a bore. it always is.  
but the second we popped over that last hill and the whole valley was laid out in front of us, we couldn't stop smiling. 
 seriously. it was a little bit ridiculous.
friday/saturday morning were filled with some of our most favorite people. we had a fun temple/outback steakhouse session with the marx clan (can't believe we didn't take a picture!), and swimming/bbq party at the barnes'. 
the new graduate! 
saturday afternoon was WEDDING TIME! 
i am so happy for my sweet friend jen and her new husband! 
everything about their wedding was perfect. the flowers, the colors, the sealing, the weather, the reception, everything was beautiful! i'll just let the pictures speak for themselves. 

congrats jen and tony! 
as we were rolling into town, i started making a list of all the things i love about vegas. the list grew and grew and grew in a matter of minutes. i couldn't stop writing! so here it is. careful, it may bring a tear or two to the eye. 

we love our families, our wards, our friends, no construction, lanes clearly marked, nelly and 50 cent on the radio, we knew exactly what to pack because we knew exactly what the weather would be like, the radio simply bleeps out a swear word instead of rearranging the whole song, 

there are original/unique names for streets, we saw blacks and mexicans for the first time in 7 months, graffiti art, palm trees,
even the nevada license plate is better. i love seeing the limos and taxis, i love the bustling sound of the strip at any given hour of the day, i love how i drove for 20 minutes and i was still in the same city, 
 the shopping, the style, the people,
 this was the low of the weekend, 
i love swimming, laying out, and seeing the pure blue sky with not a single cloud in sight. 

so, yeah. we were a little bummed. a little depressed. a little anti-social.  but now we're alive and trying to find the positives about utah. while we do that, you should be preparing yourself for more consistent blog posts! 


  1. You have absolutely no idea how much I loved the Vegas part of your post.
    Vegas is amazing.
    Vegas is where the heart is.

  2. aw you got a picture of us kissing!!! please put that shiz up on Facebook lol

  3. Wow. I bet your little 6th graders self didn't think you'd ever write such a glowing review of Las Vegas! P.s. isn't the rap portion of thebPayphone song great? Lovin it. Can't wait to have you back in vegas

  4. Hey Ashley, Interesting post and nice images..

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