

tis the season

the only thing weirder than having your little brother graduate from high school... 

... is realizing that this means you've been graduated for three years! 

ew. what the heck! i feel so old! 
it seems like just yesterday we were little punks boppin around. 

i am so happy that mitchell kept his grades up just enough to graduate in the normal 4-year time frame! 
haha... just kidding :)
but really.
and in all honesty, i am way excited for him. he will work the rest of the summer, and before we know it he'll be gone on a mission for the church. scotty and i often wonder where he will go, what language he will speak, and what kind of companions he will have. 

congrats, mitch! it only gets better from here haha!
i know this is true because my life has gotten significantly better since june 2009 when i graduated.
a lot has happened since then. 

i started attending my dream school
i broke some hearts and i met my dream man
we sealed our love for forever in the las vegas temple
i live in my own apartment (with a boy!)
i have changed jobs about 6 times
i am halfway done with my life-long goal of graduating in elementary education
i got a new car with XM radio
i had two of my wisdom teeth pulled
i got a michael kors watch
i've made a few new & very special friends
... but still stayed close to my old besties

and more events that i can't remember due to my severe memory loss issues.

i am so happy for my brother, cousins, and for everyone else who graduated this month. 
welcome to the real world, little ones :) 


  1. i love that im in the background of your graduation picture. and its crazy that we have been out of high school for three years. i feel like we graduated last summer haha

  2. If you are old, then I am really old!
