
speak to my soul

in my monday morning class, a girl voiced the following opinion: "our (future) students need to learn how to keep the rules before they can break them." wait. what? break rules? i deemed her words thought-provoking, and found myself pondering them throughout the rest of the afternoon. my reaction to her comment kept swaying back and forth from two different thoughts: 1) i hope you never teach my children, and 2) i need to break some rules. and what better rules to break than the new year resolutions i had made just 14 days prior?
so in the spirit of learning, scotty and i participated in a first-hand and rule-breaking experience held at the cocoa bean cupcake cafe in provo. we were surrounded by sweet smells, hot cocoa, and cupcakes galore. 
don't worry, we devoured every crumb. 
i still don't know if i completely agree with the girl's words, but man those cupcakes are delicious. hooray for rebellion and rule breaking!

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