i've realized over the past few months that i am getting really old.
older than dirt, i feel like.
i might as well start looking into glasses and walkers.
i mean, im going to be a wife in a mere 96 days.
i still feel like a little 16 year old bopping around vegas and eating fro yo every day!
doing the stupidest crap and taking a million pictures of myself!

see what i mean?
don't get me wrong- i'm totally excited to grow up and be a wife. it's just weird. DIFFERENT. so unreal. i used to look at girls who were getting married and think that that phase in life was so far away for me, and now here it is! 96 days away!
i am SO excited.
yet at the same time, i feel SO unprepared!
will i make a decent wife?
why haven't i stepped foot in the kitchen the past 10 years?
why haven't i made a dish for my family that wasn't spaghetti or chocolate chip cookies?
why didn't anyone tell me how horrifying the gyno's office is!?!?
what in the world am i supposed to cook for my sweet husband every night (starting in 96 days)?
all of these are questions i've asked myself recently.
so i've taken the next three months and dedicated them as "ashley's wife preparation"
it's gone pretty well so far. i wore an apron for the first time, and i made a four star dinner. the whole family liked it, which is saying something considering tanner is part of my family.
my bread (that i made ALL ON MY OWN) isn't exactly the prettiest shape... but it was delicious.
i also acquired my FIRST DISHES this past week (thank you kim!) and am starting our collection of kitcheny things. so far it consists of a can opener, lasagna dish, pie dish, and two other dishes.
also, i've even been doing some homey crafts and purchased my very own hot glue gun.
p.s. did i mention 96 days?
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