


Here are all of the noteworthy things that happened in my life this year! I am so ready for 2013 to be over, haha.

+ My brother left for his mission.
+ We started a new semester of school.
+ Scotty turned 24.
+ There was that day with freezing rain. People were literally skating across campus. Google it.
+ We got a new computer, and got KSL-screwed on our old one.
+ The Believe Acoustic album was released.
+ I quit my job at the BYU Student Employment Office.
+ I ran over a bumper and ruined our perfect little car. It looks ugly and broken.
+ I became obsessed with the movie Pitch Perfect.

+ We sold Scotty's truck.
+ I watched Top Gun for the first time.
+ We bought an iPad Mini.
+ We celebrated Valentine's Day at Cheesecake Factory.
+ We visited baby Eva in the hospital!
+ I went to my first blogger party.
+ I started my practicum.
+ We went to a Jazz vs. Celtics game.

+ Both of our moms came into town! (in the same week)
+ We boycotted St. Patrick's day.
+ I took the PRAXIS (licensure test for teaching).
+ Scotty got a new position at work.
+ I successfully hid an entire box of girl scout cookies from my husband.
+ My family visited during their spring break. We went to a BYU game.
+ I was offered a teaching job! We celebrated.
+ We sold our bunny.
+ Scotty bought Les Mis for me.

+ Ron and Kim visited!
+ Jen and Tony invited us to General Conference with them.
+ Scotty upgraded his phone to an iPhone 5.
+ The iPhone 5 was stolen off his desk at work.
+ I got a ticket. Stupid HOV lane.
+ Scotty's hard drive crashed, erasing every single homework assignment, work project, etc.
+ We went to St. George for our cruise friends' baby blessing.
+ The "Ship My Pants" commercial came into my life. Never gets old.
+ We went to a BYU Baseball game with my my aunt and uncle.
+ We finished another semester of school.
+ I enjoyed my four-day break before summer school started. Projects and relaxing.

+ It freaking snowed. In May.
+ We went to Vegas for our niece Dakota's baby blessing.
+ Scotty drove a Ferrari.
+ My family visited for Memorial Day.
+ Great Gatsby. We loved the soundtrack more than the actual movie.
+ I started my second practicum.
+ We talked to my missionary brother on the phone!
+ Scotty bought equity in his boss's company.

+ We saw Ron and Kim while they were in SLC for girl's camp.
+ I went to Vegas with Jen for less than 24 hours.
+ I passed my statistics class (PRAISE THE LORD!).
+ Scotty got a ticket for crossing over the trax tracks. What a joke.
+ I spent a butt-load of time making and buying things for my classroom.
+ The rest of June was a blur... I was gone for 13 HOURS A DAY. I left every morning at 7, had classes from 8:00 to 3:00 with no breaks, I spent 3:00 to 5:00 doing homework, then I went to a statistics class from 5:00 to 7:00, which put me home around 7:45 or 8:00. Scotty was running the call center. His hours started later to match when people would be home to call, so he wasn't getting home until 10:30 pm. We were both working really, really, really hard. It was stressful and exhausting. And it sucked.

+ We celebrated the Fourth of July.
+ We drove to Daybreak every weekend to drool over houses. Free and fun entertainment.
+ We swam in our pool a few times trying to make up for the fact that we didn't get to go to Oceanside with my family or Huntington Beach with Scotty's family.
+ We dressed up like cows to get free Chick-fil-a.
+ We were locked inside our apartment complex's laundry room for 20 minutes.
+ Again, kind of a blur with our busy schedules.

+ I finished my classes at BYU!!! Happiest day.
+ Our cruise friends came to visit.
+ My mom and Tanner also came to visit.
+ Scotty's boss gave us a $100 gift card to Gap, which was kind of amazing. We were so poor all year, we rarely went shopping for fun.
+ I got called to work with the young women in my ward.
+ I started using DoTerra oils.
+ Our Lake Powell trip was canceled. We were seriously heartbroken.
+ We went to Las Vegas for a weekend.
+ I fulfilled my life dreams by setting up the cutest classroom and teaching the cutest students.
+ My first day of school was amazing. 
+ I survived the intimidating Back-to-School Night.

+ We felt really old while chaperoning a church youth dance.
+ The LDS Business College reserved an endowment session for all of the students and their spouses. All of the workers at that time were professors and other school administrators. It was seriously one of the coolest experiences! Before the session, everyone met in the chapel and the temple president spoke to us. So so special!
+ I barely slept because I had no idea how to grade papers, plan lessons, etc.
+ I deactivated my Facebook for a month. So nice!
+ I went to the Relief Society Broadcast with my grandma, aunt, and cousin!
+ We fell in love with iOS 7
+ I went to a football game for two of my students.

+ General Conference again!
+ We had dinner with Jen and Tony. Love them.
+ We had a relaxing weekend in Brian Head and Bryce Canyon.
+ Scotty got called as the Ward Mission Leader! He is amazing at it. I am so proud of him. 
+ We went to two Halloween parties.
+ I got a pell grant! Wooo!
+ ... and I used it to pay tuition for the last time ever. Greatest feeling. 
+ My mom visited us.

+ We celebrated our second anniversary! We went to Benihana and the Natural History Museum.
+ Scotty bought me an iPhone 5S. Gold. Beautiful. 
+ We said the prayers in sacrament meeting.
+ We set up our Christmas tree.
+ Scotty bought equity in a leather bag company, Gobi. 
+ I had my first experience running into a student outside of school. It was at Chilis, and his face when he saw me was freaking priceless.
+ I survived parent-teacher conferences.
+ My family visited my classroom. It totally made the list of top ten best days of my life.
+ Thanksgiving with a ton of my mom's family.
+ I found SIX gray hairs. I kid you not.

+ The first snow of the season. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm starting to not hate it. I still don't like it, but hey... baby steps, here. Be proud.
+ We went to a bunch of plays and performances.
+ We went to a holiday cookie swap.
+ I ate lots of cookies before, during, and after the cookie swap.
+ We freaked out because we thought we were part of the Target fraud crisis... but we weren't :)
+ We loved getting Brazilian food with Angela, Shawn, and baby Eva.
+ I got my nose waxed... seriously the best thing ever. Don't think about it, just go do it.
+ We went to a UNLV basketball game.
+ I turned 23.
+ We spent time with our families in Vegas.

2013 was difficult. I faced a lot of trials and struggles. Without the support from Scotty and our families, this year would have been impossible! I am so thankful for the loving relationships in my life and the blessings I have been given. I'm hoping 2014 will bring a diploma, a new apartment, and financial stability. And I guess a smaller pant size wouldn't hurt :) Here's to a new year and a fresh start. 


  1. Hahaha I love that ship my pant commercial. we miss you guys. stop being on vacation and lets play some games already.

  2. This post makes me want to start blogging again. Maybe that should be a resolution this year. I'm very proud of you and Scotty. You accomplished some great things this year!

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