anyway. i figured that i should announce to the world that i am completely obsessed with three things in my life right now.
1. this is a jamwich.

this might sound weird. but im obsessed lately. eddy and i went to the mall last saturday and we spotted like 500 babies. i am always on the look out. we saw this one that was soooo small and cute. naturally, i had to stop the woman and get a closer look. he was only nine days old. ahh. my maternal clock is ticking.
thiiiiiiis is my best friend. he makes me so happy! we talk every day. he just got his mission call this week to montreal, canada!! i am so freaking excited for him. he leaves march 24th. its going to be so weird not texting or calling with him... but i think we will be able to survive. oh and get this. he will be speaking french and spanish. have you ever heard of that? two languages. he's gonna be trilingual. hot, huh?

anyway. that's all thats going on in my life right now... along with school and church of course. college is fun.. and weird. hahaha. thats all i have to say.