Last weekend, my three best friends and i took a road trip to CALIFORNIA!
it was definitely the highlight of my summer so far. i love these girls more than anything! i wish so much that alex could have come with us... but she's busy rockin her job at tuacahn.
leah's mom took this cute picture of us as we were heading out of town... notice the adorable matching sunglasses we bought specially for the trip :) hahaha. $10, nordstrom. i'm in love. we planned to leave around 6:30... but being girls and being forgetful caused us to leave at 7:40! (i think? i cant remember) i couldnt find my stupid ipod with the 250+ song-playlist i made for the trip. it was a big deal. but i of course found a solution.
me and leah having fun on the drive haha... we had so much fun! the whole time we were all cracking jokes and singing obnoxiously loud and talking in accents or acting stupid. i really can't explain how much i love these girls.

this one is my favorite. i forced everyone to stop because i couldnt pass up this cute picture spot. this was at del mar, super pretty beach! but.... we had to climb down this steep cliff to get to the water, and then the tide was in so there was no room to lay out or anything! all of our stuff was getting wet. so we went back to kristine's aunt's house and laid out by the pool :) hahaha. it was the perfect weekend with perfect company, perfect weather, everything!
let's start making plans for next years trip!!