you know what i hate?
when you meet someone new or fill out a survey or start a new class or make small talk with random people and they all ask the same exact question.
"what do you do for fun?"
eh... what? fun? i forgot what that was the second i read my college acceptance letter. haha. i hate it when people ask me that. every time i'm faced with the question, i awkwardly give the same answer: "haha. i hate this question..."
listen. i dont have any hobbies. i work, i go to church, i sleep, sometimes i go to the gym, and i eat. i dont play any instruments. i don't play any sports. i'm not an amazing chef. i dont particularly like to read books. i can't draw, paint, or anything like unto it.
ladies and gentlemen, i would like to consider myself a sewer. not the smelly, underground kind- just the kind that works with needles and thread. check out my latest masterpieces:
remember back in the day
when i made a quilt? a few weeks ago i came to the conclusion that i need a
mature quilt. mine are always pink and remind me of 12 year old girls. and they dont cover my toes anymore, which drives me absolutely crazy. although i hate to admit it, i'm getting old. pretty soon i will be a wife! so i appropriately chose a granny material and a few selections that complemented it.

the whole process took about three days. and now, i have a beautiful and warm quilt! i love it. it's the perfect size!
the sweet success of my quilt has inspired me to sew more things. i'm even in the market to buy a sewing machine of my own, instead of using my moms that was made in the 70's. i was on the lookout for a new project, and it landed on my doorstep with my name written all over it. literally.
i ordered this dress online (not the best idea considering you have to guess lengths/sizes), and when it arrived i was really bummed. it was too short for my liking, but super cute!

so i got some inspiration from
this picture.
made another trip to joann's.
started sewing.
quite frankly, i think it's cuter than it was before.
i'm looking forward to the next time i can answer that stupid question.